Financial Aid
Indiana Choice Scholarship Program

Woodburn Lutheran School is a participating school of the Indiana Choice Scholarship program. Qualification requirements and information are available by calling the school office, or by visiting the IDOE website.
Woodburn Lutheran School Tuition Assistance
Woodburn Lutheran School Tuition Assistance program is designed to help families who are unable to meet the financial obligation of full tuition and fees. If your family does not qualify for an Indiana Choice Scholarship, you may still be eligible for tuition assistance.
To qualify for this assistance, families must demonstrate a financial need. Tuition Assistance monies are available for WLS families, Preschool through Grade 8. Families interested in applying for Tuition Assistance need to complete an application online through FACTS Management at, submit all required documentation, and pay the application fee to FACTS by June 1 or an agreed upon date. If you have questions, please contact the WLS Administrative Assistant, Hilary Baumert.
Tuition Assistance Procedure
- To be considered for tuition assistance, a confidential application must be completed online through FACTS and all required documentation submitted to FACTS.
- FACTS will confidentially review the application and provide WLS with a recommendation of the tuition assistance award based on need and available funds. The WLS Board of Education will use the recommendation from FACTS to determine award amounts. Each family will be notified of their tuition assistance award amount.
- Only after all charges from the previous school year have been paid in full, will the WLS Board of Education credit the amount of assistance granted to the family’s account from the available funds.
SGO Scholarship (Scholarship Granting Organization)
SGO Scholarships are available to eligible students entering grades K-12. Information about the Lutheran Scholarship Granting Organization of Indiana can be found online at
There are three components to determining eligibility:
- Student has legal settlement in Indiana
- Family income is within the income guidelines
- Student has been accepted by an Indiana non-public school for the school year in which applying
SGO Scholarship Procedure
- To apply for this scholarship, an SGO Application must be completed and a copy of your 2016 federal tax return submitted to WLS by June 1 or an agreed upon date. SGO Applications can be requested from the school office or downloaded from the website
- The Lutheran Scholarship Granting Organization of Indiana will confidentially review your application to determine eligibility.
- The WLS Board of Education will determine award amounts. Each family will be notified of their SGO award amount.
Other Scholarships are available for application. Please contact the school office to learn more.