We believe Christian education is a vital aspect of God’s mission, commanded by Him to the church through the Great Commission.
We believe that Christian education should be complete, meeting not only the social, emotional, physical, and academic needs, but also the spiritual needs of children.
We believe that God’s people need to learn their proper relationship to God and their fellow man. We believe that the purpose of Christian education is to teach the Christian faith and a life of discipleship by instruction in God’s Word and experience in Christian living.
We believe that an effective Christian education is carried on through a quality program and learning experiences that relates the Christian faith to every aspect of life.
We believe that the uniqueness of Christian education lies in this:
We believe that the uniqueness of the Lutheran school lies in this:
We believe that a Christian education program built on a philosophy following a distinct theology must also determine the precise objectives of its curriculum on the basis of the physical, social, and spiritual forces and needs of the local, national, and world communities.
We believe that parents are the greatest influence in the life of a child and that the church and school come alongside parents, assisting them in the nurturing process.